
Six award recipients received their awards from Provost Professor Alan Chan, and were congratulated by Dean of Science Professor Song Chunshan. (From left: Professor Alan Chan Kam-leung; Mr Leo Yu Chun-keung, JP; Professor Stephen Yau Shing-toung; Professor John S. TSE; Mr Eddie Yu Siu Lung; Professor Timothy Tam Tin-lok; Dr Choi Pui-wah; and Professor Song Chunshan) The seventh award recipient, Professor Chen Xiaoming, joined the event online

Vision and value prove vital for victory

In celebration of CUHK Science’s 60th Anniversary in 2023, the Faculty established the Science Faculty Distinguished Alumni Award and organised a series of lectures on 20 April at Yasumoto International Academic Park for all seven inaugural award recipients to share their experiences, insights and wisdom with the audience. The lectures were graced by the presence of Provost Professor Alan Chan, accompanied by Dean of Science Professor Sung Chunshan, presented the awards to the recipients.

Award Recipients shared how they strived to apply their scientific training for the benefit of society

Four recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award shared their experiences in scientific research, education, serving society, as well as their precious memories at CUHK. They also thanked the profound influence that teaching staff of the Faculty had on them. Some were inspired and encouraged by teachers to pursue further studies and research beyond Hong Kong. With their unique talent, vision, and dedication, they have been shining in diverse areas, pushing forth the frontiers of science, and passing on knowledge to young science talents. Furthermore, three younger alumni, who received the Alumni Achievement Award or Young Alumni Award, talked about their valuable memories and encouragements received at CUHK. In time, the various inspirations they accumulated through different experiential learning activities while studying at CUHK, have greatly reinforced their passions and aspirations for the betterment of our society and the world.

The audience, including alumni of CUHK Science, asked questions about different knowledge or scientific research theories

Click here for the list of recipients of the inaugural Science Faculty Distinguished Alumni Awards.

From the Faculty of Science


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