
Welcome to the 44th edition of CUHK in Focus.

The Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR government launched the Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus Scheme (RAISe+ Scheme) in October 2023 to support local universities in transforming and commercialising their research and development outcomes and foster government-industry-academia collaboration. In the inaugural cohort of the Scheme, CUHK is honoured to garner funding support for seven research projects, the highest number among local institutions. The funded projects, spanning across the fields of science, engineering, medicine and computer science, are a testament to CUHK’s global leadership in these important areas.

CUHK is delighted to garner funding support for seven research projects in the inaugural RAISe+ Scheme. Photo of CUHK's Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Sham Mai-har (4th from left) with representatives of the seven awarded research teams.

As a research-intensive university, CUHK has been playing an active role in Hong Kong’s innovation agenda. The participation of six CUHK research centres covering health, biomedicine, robotics and artificial intelligence in the government’s InnoHK initiative since 2021 has been contributing significantly to driving Hong Kong’s development as a global powerhouse of innovation, connecting the world with the rapidly emerging research and innovation ecosystem of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Our distinction in the RAISe+ Scheme enables us to strengthen our commitment to research, innovation and entrepreneurship as a productive continuum that can bring tangible benefits to society. It also indicates our strengths in a range of scientific disciplines, which aligns with the findings of a recent report published by Elsevier highlighting CUHK’s research impact at the top in the GBA. The awarded projects have set up research and business bases in Hong Kong as well as in the mainland. The trust and support from the government in CUHK’s knowledge transfer potential will enable us to generate significant translational impact on a local, national and global scale.

THE Global Sustainable Development Congress

CUHK is delighted to participate in the Times Higher Education (THE) Global Sustainable Development Congress as a regional co-host from 10 to 13 June 2024. This much anticipated event on the THE calendar is expected to bring together 3,000 global thought leaders and innovators to discuss solutions to the global sustainability emergency. CUHK will be represented by a large delegation comprising members of the University management and esteemed professors specialising in sustainable development research and projects. It will include Professor Kwan Mei-po, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, and Professor Edward Ng of the School of Architecture, as well as student ambassadors of the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, who will share their experience at several panel discussions.

CUHK plays an important role in advancing United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various initiatives. As a co-host of the United Nations Sustainable Development Network Hong Kong Chapter, the University is committed to mobilising expertise and resources to address SDGs. Not only is CUHK the first local institution to pledge for carbon neutrality, but it also takes a proactive approach to raise awareness about climate change by hosting the world’s first museum dedicated to this critical issue and advocating climate action on a global scale through our membership in the International Universities Climate Alliance. We hope that the THE Global Sustainable Development Congress will give us the opportunity to facilitate meaningful discussions and knowledge sharing that can inspire innovative solutions to address pressing global sustainability challenges.

As the host of the world’s first museum in the world dedicated to climate change and the co-host of the United Nations Sustainable Development Network Hong Kong Chapter, CUHK is committed to addressing pressing sustainability challenges.

Record-breaking performance

It gives me great pride to announce the encouraging result of CUHK in the QS World University Rankings 2025. This year sees the University climb 11 places to the 36th in the world, achieving its best performance ever since the launch of the Rankings in 2010. The impressive result demonstrates the commitment to academic excellence of the entire CUHK community. I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to all members of the University on receiving another international recognition for the work we do and thank them for their dedication to ensuring that CUHK is progressing steadily towards our strategic goals.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Professor Dennis Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Medicine, on becoming the first Chinese scholar to receive the prestigious Jiménez Díaz Lecture Award in recognition of his contribution to medical research through non-invasive prenatal diagnosis and various cancer detection techniques. The reputable international honour is a well-deserved accolade for his exemplary research achievements. I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Professor Lo for bringing credit to the CUHK community once again and wish him many more successes in his research endeavours.

In memory of Professor Tang Xiao’ou

This edition features an article in memory of Professor Tang Xiao’ou, the globally renowned figure in the field of computer vision and artificial intelligence and late professor of CUHK’s Department of Information Engineering who passed away last December. Not only has Professor Tang’s groundbreaking research in facial recognition and deep learning well positioned the University as a pioneer in the field during his 25 years of dedicated service at CUHK, but the successful AI start-up he co-founded, SenseTime, has also been generating great impact on society. I sincerely invite you to read this article about his lifelong vision and devotion to education and technological advancement for the benefits of mankind, which will continue to inspire future generations.

I look forward to sharing more stories with you in our next edition.

Professor Rocky S. Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President
The Chinese University of Hong Kong