
Fai chun writing for the Chinese New Year

The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), the Art Museum and the Department of Fine Arts jointly organised the “Fai Chun Writing for the Chinese New Year 2024” on 1 February 2024 lunch hours at the ICS courtyard.

Dr Phil Chan Kwun-nam, instructor of the “Experiencing Chinese Culture Series—Chinese Calligraphy Class”, along with his students and two student helpers from the Department of Fine Arts, wrote auspicious greetings with ink and brush upon the guests’ requests. The event also featured a “Free Writing Area” where guests could freely express themselves through fai chun writing. In addition, festive Chinese New Year delicacies and local snacks were served at the lively and bustling courtyard.

The “Fai Chun Writing for the Chinese New Year” event has always been well-received by the CUHK community since its launch in 2016. This year, it was attended by more than 300 participants, including CUHK students, staff, and guests, over a little more than two hours, attracting locals as well as mainland and international students. They appreciated the newly written fai chun, either by themselves or gifted by the calligraphers on site, and shared their joy with friends and colleagues. The ICS courtyard was filled with the fragrance of ink. After a few misty days, the weather finally cleared up right before the event, thus ensuring a good backdrop for celebrating the upcoming Year of Dragon.


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