
Welcome to the first 2023 edition of CUHK in Focus. This is a particularly exciting message to write as it is the first time I am writing to our community in the University’s 60th anniversary year. Let me begin by wishing all of you a wonderful year of good health and prosperity!

The diamond jubilee is a momentous occasion for us to celebrate the leaps and bounds that the CUHK community have collectively achieved over the past six decades. Close to 100 thoughtfully curated events spanning a course of 18 months have been scheduled to engage CUHK members, the public, and our partners in the mainland and around the world in marking this major milestone in the University’s history. Our first official event, the 60th Anniversary Commencement Ceremony, will take place on 12 February 2023 (Sunday) and will be broadcast live online. I look forward to your support and participation in the event. Let’s join our hearts and minds to commemorate our sixty years of excellence and ink a new chapter of the CUHK story.

Engagement with stakeholders

It has been a busy start to the year. I was delighted to host the third meeting of the Global Alumni Advisory Board (GAAB) in Singapore earlier this month with colleagues, and also take the opportunity to visit our academic and corporate partners in Singapore. It was the GAAB’s first face-to-face meeting in three years, and it was most gratifying and uplifting to engage in fruitful discussions on various university strategic initiatives and feel the passion of our distinguished alumni in person. My heartfelt thanks to the Alumni Association in Singapore who offered so much help and support to our meeting, as well as a most joyful reunion dinner with over 80 CUHK alumni members currently living or working in Singapore. Our strong alumni communities around the world are tireless supporters of our endeavours and a source of inspiring wisdom and counsel in our efforts to make CUHK even better.

The Global Alumni Advisory Board held its first face-to-face meeting in three years in Singapore earlier this month.
Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, and University officers took the opportunity to reunite with old friends, alumni and partners of CUHK in Singapore.

As many of you may be aware, the University Council is considering proposals to review its size and composition to pursue good governance principles and practices. A special task force has been set up to consult the stakeholders as appropriate and present its findings to the Council as soon as practicable. All stakeholders are welcome to send in their views and comments on the proposals in writing. In addition, two face-to-face consultation sessions will be held in February, the details of which will be announced later. I hope a broad spectrum of the University community will participate in the sessions and seize the important opportunity to have your say in the reorganisation of the Council.

Supporting youth development

Last Saturday, I was honoured to announce a new partnership between CUHK and the HKSAR government under its flagship “Strive and Rise Youth Mentorship Programme”, during a special visit led by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, GBS, IDSM, JP.

Professor Tuan (left) thanked the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, GBS, IDSM, JP, for gracing us with his presence at a special ceremony marking the launch of the meaningful partnership between CUHK and the HKSAR government in support of the “Strive and Rise Youth Mentorship Programme”.

CUHK has a strong commitment to social responsibility which forms an integral part of the University’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. Zero poverty, quality education, and reduced inequalities are all key elements of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the Strive and Rise Programme resonates strongly with the University’s commitment to advancing progress in these important areas.

Hong Kong’s future depends on establishing strong pathways for young people to climb the social mobility ladder, and CUHK is actively engaged to realise the Strive and Rise Programme’s goal of improving the quality of life for disadvantaged young people across society.

Throughout 2023, mentees will attend events with all eight of our Faculties and a special event organised by our Colleges, and take part in seminars and workshops, as well as interactive sessions designed to facilitate discussions on higher education pathways, all with a taste of the CUHK experience.

Last Saturday’s event saw around 100 mentees attend a special session organised by our Faculty of Education where faculty members spoke about how to remain resilient in the face of adversity. The mentees also participated in special sports games organised by our Men’s Volleyball Team. My sincere thanks to everyone involved in organising this important collaboration.

Wishes and blessings

The government has recently announced the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint to establish a clear road map for our city to move towards the vision of an international I&T centre. Not long after the announcement, we received the good news of CUHK students winning the championship at the Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Hong Kong and sweeping a total of four awards at the 8th China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.  What’s more, Professor He Xuhua and Professor Liu Renbao from the Faculty of Science were among the three exceptional scholars from Hong Kong to join the group of 58 world-leading scientists admitted by the New Cornerstone Investigator Programme recently launched by Tencent to receive funding for spearheading basic research in mathematics and physical sciences respectively. Many congratulations to our student representatives and faculty members!  These outstanding accomplishments are a living testament to CUHK’s strengths in nurturing I&T talents and commitment to cutting-edge scientific research. The University will continue to harness its world-class research capacities to generate translational impact locally, nationally, regionally and globally.

With the Year of the Rabbit just around the corner, I wish all of you good health, happiness, and abundance. I invite you to enjoy the following video which features new year wishes from diverse members of the CUHK community. Kung Hei Fat Choy!

Professor Rocky S. Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President
The Chinese University of Hong Kong