
The engagement session for students and alumni

Views heard on the search of the next Vice-Chancellor

Four engagement sessions were arranged on 25 April by the Search Committee for the Appointment of the Next Vice-Chancellor (Search Committee) for the CUHK community to express their views on desirable qualities and personal attributes of the next Vice-Chancellor before a global search is launched.

Academic staff, professional and administrative services staff, members of the Council, the Boards of Trustees or the Committees of Overseers of the nine Colleges, senior management, and students and alumni were invited to the sessions.

The Search Committee has appointed Heidrick & Struggles as the search consultant on open tendering. Michelle Doo, a partner of the firm’s Hong Kong office, moderated all the four engagement sessions together with representatives of the University management.

At the staff sessions, there were views that the next Vice-Chancellor should continue to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations, reinforce the University’s strength in the humanities, social science and business and administration while developing science and technology. Some also hoped the next Vice-Chancellor would continue to build connections with different stakeholders including the government, the Legislative Council, industries, and mainland organisations.

At the students and alumni session, some students called for regular face-to-face meetings with the next Vice-Chancellor, and better care of students’ mental and physical wellness. They also hoped that more resources would be given to support the Colleges’ operations and programmes, a call echoed by some alumni present.

For those who were unable to attend the engagement sessions, they were encouraged to write in their views via an online form by 10 May. All information collected will be held in the strictest confidence on an unnamed basis.

Professor Rocky S. Tuan earlier announced that he would step down from the position of Vice-Chancellor and President of the University from January 2025. The Council has established a Search Committee in accordance with Statute 6.1 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, chaired by Council Chairman Professor John Chai Yat-chiu, with three members nominated by the Council including Eric Chan Cho-biu, Sonia Cheng Chi-man, Albert Wong Hak-keung, and three members nominated by the Senate including Professor Anthony Chan Tak-cheung, Professor Philip Chiu Wai-yan and Professor Poon Wai-yin.


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