
Long-serving staff members walk down memory lane

Every year, the University presents the Long Service Award to full-time staff members who have reached the milestones of 15, 25 and 35 years. A total of 286 people were lauded this year. The presentation ceremony was held at Lecture Theatre One of Yasumoto International Academic Park on 24 April. CUHK In Focus speaks to three colleagues on their work, life and unforgettable moments at the University.

Chow Ping-tong

The long ties between Chow Ping-tong and CUHK began 35 years ago on a very personal note—for the sake of getting married... Read more

Ricky Tsang

The hum of motors is the first thing that greets a visitor to Dr Ricky Tsang’s dental treatment room. Any apprehension, though, is swiftly banished by the reassuring presence of the unhurried, soft-spoken dentist within... Read more

Fung Koon-mui

Fung Koon-mui is a typically low-key employee amid the daily busyness of work: quiet, yet dependable and determined to get the job done. Her longtime colleagues also know she has a warm smile that melts people’s hearts... Read more

By Amy Li
Photos by Keith Hiro & LCT
Front image design by Amy Tam


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