
More than 80 distinguished global scholars join CUHK in 2023

This year, CUHK has attracted more than 80 top-tier scholars and young academics through various strategic recruitment schemes, including the “Global STEM Professorships” and the “Vice-Chancellor Early Career Professorship Scheme”.

The newly joined scholars come from 13 countries and regions, including mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and North America. Their wide-ranging expertise covers architecture, arts, fine arts, music, science, law, engineering, medicine, education, sports science and physical education, social science, business and economics, biomedical and tissue engineering, and more.

Talent attraction and development is one of the key areas of the “CUHK 2025” strategic plan.

The new global scholars will contribute to the University’s teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and social engagement initiatives, and boost the University’s research and innovation capacity, as well as strengthen the University’s leading position in higher education.


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